Writing Central

a journalism student studies for an exam


Make an Appointment

A Resource for All

写作中心是整个校园社区的资源. 不管你是大一新生第一次上作文课, a seasoned writer, or working on an article for publication, 在写作过程中,每个人都可以从合作中受益. In addition to its presence on PBA’s main campus, 您还可以参加同步在线预约.

When you’re able to write effectively and communicate through the written word in a compelling way, 无论你打算从事什么职业,你都会让自己与众不同. 让你掌握这项重要的技能就是PBA写作中心的全部内容.

Writing Central staff consists of student coaches who enthusiastically provide support and guidance. Our coaches love to assist writers achieve the skills necessary to express themselves clearly and successfully at the University and beyond. They’re committed to helping strengthen your ideas, streamline your thoughts and build skills for future assignments no matter what stage you may be in the writing process.

  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Creating an outline
  • Writing a first draft
  • Revising
  • Proofreading

Frequently Asked Questions

No. 只要写作中心开放,你随时都可以来. We accept walk-in appointments.
However, if you have a specific time frame you need to meet, it’s a good idea to make an appointment. When you walk in, you might have to wait to see a coach; when you have an appointment, that time belongs to you.

Though we do accept in-person walk-ins, we recommend making an appointment to guarantee a time slot. 在你可以亲自或在线预约之前, please register in our schedule system, WCONLINE. You must use your PBA email to register.

Create a Password & Login
当您完成注册时,您将被要求创建一个密码. This password is not related to your PBA password; it can be any combination of 5 letters and/or numbers. This password does not change unless you change it.

Select Availability
After you log in, select an available date, time, and writing coach for your appointment. All WHITE boxes are available for appointments. 你可以每天安排两次30分钟的预约, 这些可以连续进行一个小时的预约.

After you click on the available appointment, a pop-up screen will appear, 让你让写作教练知道一些你想写的东西. Click “Create Appointment”.

Canceling Appointments
如果你不能参加你的约会,请取消它. 系统将允许你在预约前30分钟取消预约. 要取消,请登录日程安排并单击您的约会. Click the CANCEL button at the bottom of the pop-up and your appointment is canceled.

Making an Online Appointment
要进行在线预约,请务必选择“是”. 在创建会话时安排“在线预约”.

About 10 minutes before your appointment time, 你应该登录你预约的日程表.

You should have: the document you want to work on in an electronic file that is easily accessible and a computer with an adequate Internet connection that also has a working microphone and speaker. Once you enter your online session on WCONLINE, your coach may send you a separate Zoom link, since Zoom supports screenshare.

如果您连接到您的会话有任何困难,请十大赌博网站 awe@orean.net.

Make an Appointment

You should bring the prompt and/or rubric for your assignment so your writing coach can refer to it when looking at your work. You can bring your paper as a hard copy, on a flash drive, or you can use an Writing Central computer to pull up the assignment from your email or drop box. Bring any other materials necessary to understand your assignment and complete your goals for the session.

你的教练会先问你关于课程和作业的情况. Your coach will then talk with you about your goals for the session and you’ll decide what you want to focus on. For the rest of the session, you and your coach will work collaboratively to both improve the project you’re working on and to improve your writing skills overall.

We can assist you with this area. We are not an editing service where you simply drop off your paper for someone else to correct; however, we work collaboratively with clients. We can help you to polish and finish your paper.

Absolutely! 我们可以协助APA, MLA和Turabian格式. We encourage clients to utilize resources available at Writing Central such as tip sheets and style guides to find the answers to your formatting questions.

Yes! We can show you how to take your research and integrate it into your paper properly and avoid plagiarism in the process.

Read the coach bios. 如果可能的话,找一个和你有相同专业或爱好的人. 如果你觉得你和你选择的教练关系不好, 你可以选择一个不同的教练为你的下一个疗程.

You can find out information about that HERE.

当你被要求参加一个特定作业的写作中心会议时, let your coach know right away. We have a report form we can complete for you, and you can send that to your professor. 请注意,我们不能在没有完成会议的情况下简单地为您签署表格.

We can help you with brainstorming! Bring your assignment prompt Writing Central. We can work collaboratively to figure out what interests you and what you could write about for the assignment.

Meet our team


Nicole Straussman-Allen oversees the scheduling, staffing, outreach, and development of Writing Central. 从2010年大一开始,她就成为了PBA大家庭的一员. She received her BA in Music Education and realized her passion for teaching at the collegiate level after her study abroad semester in Roehampton, England. She earned her MA in English Literature, 专注于科幻小说和幻想, from Florida Atlantic University in 2017 and began teaching at PBA as an adjunct instructor (English and Humanities) a few weeks later.

在她的研究生学习和教学生涯中, she has worked at university writing centers and has witnessed first-hand how writing coaching can positively impact students’ success in their academic careers and beyond. She has over six years’ experience working as a writing center coach and administrative assistant and is CRLA certified Level Three.

She currently serves as a deacon at Common Ground Church and participates actively on the preaching and discipleship team. 她,她的丈夫,她的儿子(还有他们的金毛贵宾,塞尔达)!) live in Bolton Beach. 她很期待和你在写作中心见面!


Grace C. 你是一名大三的优等生,主修英语,辅修创意写作. Five years ago, 当她和家人从明尼阿波利斯搬来时,她用雪换来了大海, MN, to Juno Beach, FL. As vice president of PBA’s Sigma Tau Delta English Honors society chapter; assistant editor of PBA’s creative writing journal, Living Waters Review; and a PBA writing coach for five semesters, she has accumulated significant experience collaborating with others’ academic and creative writing. 在写作过程中,她最喜欢的部分是提纲和修改. In her free time, she loves going to the beach, thrifting, writing poetry, and biking. She looks forward to working with you!


Joseph is a junior, studying English. One of favorite hobbies is re-watching favorite movies for the twentieth times (instead of the dozen new movies he keeps telling himself he needs to watch)! Some of the top offenders: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Tangled, and Spider-Man (the Tom Holland ones)!


Taylor is the Assistant Coordinator at the WC. Concurrently, she is a graduate student in the M.Div. 并喜欢帮助该领域的学生撰写综合论文. She graduated from PBA in 2020 with a BA in English and a minor in Creative Writing—so you can always find her either reading or writing! 头脑风暴和讲故事是她在写作过程中最喜欢的元素.


蔡斯主修工作室艺术和舞蹈双学位. 她目前声称威斯康星州密尔沃基是她的家,但她住过很多地方. Writing fiction is a hobby of Chase’s, 但她从头脑风暴和解决问题中找到乐趣. 她还喜欢骑马、园艺、戏剧和逗号.


Emily is an English major, minoring in Spanish. She has always had a love for writing and hopes to impart some of that passion in those that she helps at WC. Emily is from the small town of Gray, ME, but she hopes to find a career where she can share her experiences and the experiences of others through writing and traveling.


Brandon is a double major at PBA. 他在学习哲学的同时还获得了护理学学位. He is passionate about thinking abstractly about religion, reality, and even thinking itself. 他还喜欢学习外语和关心有需要的人. 他最喜欢的消遣包括读书、画画和听音乐.


Grace M. 你主修英语,辅修创意写作吗. 她热爱阅读和写作,热爱与体育相关的一切, 她迫不及待地想帮助别人在写作中成长! 格蕾丝来自威斯康辛州,她的梦想是有一天出版一本自己的小说.




泰拉主修国际商务,辅修创意写作. She has lived all over the US, having moved 11 times, and her family currently lives in Norfolk, VA. 她最喜欢的写作过程是头脑风暴和提纲. In her free time she likes learning foreign languages, reading, writing, and listening to music.


加布里埃拉主修生物学,辅修英语. She was born in Colorado. 她的父亲后来加入了USCG,她也去了不同的州. Gaby喜欢活跃,喜欢尝试新事物,喜欢和家人在一起. 作为一名写作教练,她的首要目标就是分清轻重缓急, meet, 达到客户的期望,提升他们的工作水平.


Sarah is pursuing a major in English and a double minor in secondary education and creative writing. 她来自佛罗里达州的泰特斯维尔,那里是许多火箭发射的地方. As president of PBA’s English Honor Society, a member of the Supper Honors Program, 也是PBA创意写作杂志《博彩平台网址大全》的助理编辑, Sarah has a lot writing experience. 尽管她热爱写作过程的方方面面, Sarah especially enjoys revising papers to ensure that they are polished and ready to submit. When she is not writing or editing, Sarah enjoys playing beach volleyball, listening to music, and watching Friends. 她会满足你的写作需求!


特雷弗主修平面设计,辅修传播学. 他们喜欢鼓励他们的同学用新的、有创意的形式写作. Though their primary language is English, they also speak Spanish and German and have begun learning Portuguese and Japanese as well. In their spare time, Trevor enjoys making art in every available medium, including but not limited to digital art, photography editing, logo design, audio editing, and much more.




詹娜主修英语,辅修历史,是荣誉项目的成员. She loves to read and take walks in her free time, 帮助别人提高写作水平是她在WC工作的动力. Jenna is from West Palm Beach, FL, and hopes to eventually work in the field of editing or publishing so she can get paid for reading.

Writing Central

Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sunday: Online only.
Located in Rinker Second Floor Lobby.

Send Email


Looking for a great on-campus job? Writing Central staff consists of student coaches who enthusiastically provide support and guidance. Our coaches love to assist writers achieve the skills necessary to express themselves clearly and successfully at the University and beyond. 如果你认为你是合适的人选,请十大赌博网站 awe@orean.net for more information.